Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises. . ."

"You have so many promises, that all the conditions and positions of the believer are met.
I sometimes liken the promises to the locksmith's great bunch of keys,
which he brings when you have lost the key of your treasure chest, and cannot unlock it.
He feels pretty sure that out of all the keys upon the ring some one or other will fit,
and he tries them with patient industry.
At last! yes! that is it, he has moved the bolt, and you can get at your treasures!
There is always a promise in the volume of inspiration suitable to your present case.
Make the Lord's promises your delight and your counselors, and they will befriend you at every turn.
Search the Scriptures, and you shall meet with a promise
which will be so applicable to you as to appear to have been written after your trouble had occurred!
So exactly will it apply, that you will be compelled to marvel at the wonderful tenderness and suitableness of it."
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Blogger TO BECOME said...
Oh, Olivia, I love that, they keys and the quote. I believe. Grandma